Saturday 26 March 2016

That day I actually understood the feeling of getting separated from the one you truly wanted in your life. whatever you dream of the whole universe conspires to make it to you.. I don't know why in my case the universe forgets the address and sends it somewhere else.

My heart plunged for a while when dad kept the cake over the dresser and ordered me not to touch it. Moreover two bodyguards were employed to  keep it unscathed. Get ready, guests are arriving and I had to control my emotions when I heard my mom shouting from a distance. As I went following the voice, my eyes went wide open on seeing my surprise gift- It was a pink dress with silver embroidery below neck and on its sides and a lace along its ends. PINK?!! Oh god..why?? suddenly I could feel nothing and went numb for a while and recalled how hard my friends laughed at me when at playschool, while we were playing in the garden and having fun, as I sat on a see-saw, my close fitted pink skirt snagged and I was named- Pink Potato. I was mocked by everyone and was the laughing stock for everybody at school. since then I developed a hatred towards this color and swore by god not to wear it ever.
But today, on my oath breaking day as it is going to be, I would dress myself for my very own humiliation by my own friends amidst my family and thanks to my mum who brought me this wonderful piece of embarassment. A yet another emotional trauma I had to go through besides the cake. As it was the only dress that fitted me from the 5 dresses I tried as it was the largest of all in size, I was confused whether to cry or be happy. Taking a deep breath, I hid myself at the corner while gazing at the door for incoming guests as it was accustom for the birthday girl to be present, I regret inviting myself at my birthday party.
Amongst all the guests in the hall, I could hear a laugh from a distance that was so clear and loud that it was enough to put me in a coma, I saw sonia, laughing from ear to ear with her two teeth coming out from her big ass flabby mouth. Pointing a finger towards me- shouting Pink Potato. I could feel that my fairy godmother must have lost her way in the jungle or maybe was kidnapped or maybe she is just so busy eating chocolate cakes that never wanted to come for my rescue. And no she didn't zip her mouth and puked everything about that incident and once again I became the laughing stock of the town. 

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