Wednesday 6 April 2016

The man whose laughter could lighten all the burdens of humiliation and who could turn my bad days into good, with his sight only, came to the party clad beautifully in a white and black combo. My eyes filled with heart emoticon at that rare sight of him who used to avoid me at school or private fuctions. The IMperfect story..!!

Among those bitchy chuckles, I heard a sweet laughter coming from the corner of the hall... that vision held me in happiness and I forgot every comical taunts of people around and gazed at him like I gaze at food with my eyes wide open. Forgot to mention, Justin, the highlight of the story with whom I have imagined all my days of playing and eating since childhood. we were family friends, studying in the same school and in the same class. Everything was great but not everything is perfect forever, my strange behaviour that freezes me in front of him, never allowed me to move my tongue pouring words out. Moreover once he saw me beating up a guy at school and since then has always kept a safe distance from me. I used to get mad at every girl he talks to and would kill them in my mind a hundred times, though want to in real life but, on thinking about the world, I take my step back on being the reigning queen who shall hail forever.
on seeing him alone for some time I went up straight to talking to him, the scene I have already practised for more than 72 times and as it was about to happen I saw big mouth sonia taking him commenting on my pinkish dress that took me demeaning. Grief stricken I went up straight to the ice-cream parlour at the buffet and commenced planning to kill this droopy sonia.I could have done it already but what was stopping was the fact that what would happen to him in my absence. On realising I dropped the plan and started looking for alternatives for the same and came up with nothing for a while till I saw another blow as steve coming straight to me crying pink potato since he entered. I wanted that day to be a dream that should end as soon as possible and never ever turn itself into reality. But, to my bad luck It was true and I was actually cornered off the limelight on my own birthday party. everybody were joyfully commenting and chuckling at me that felt like a dagger in the heart.